
As a central part of our learning programme, we have developed series of lectures that explore some of the leading figures, theories and themes in contemporary art. We are passionate about facilitating exchange, learning and dialogue, so we look forward to welcoming everyone to our lectures – you don’t need any prior art historical knowledge, just your curiosity.

The lectures are delivered by experienced and passionate researchers, followed by a Q&A with the speaker and fellow creative minds.

An image of 'Pierre', a three-dimensional head figurine made by Louise Bourgeois. The head is made of scraps of loosely stitched red/pink soft fabric, composing a grimacing face that lies bodiless and helpless on a white gallery plinth.

Women Artists: Identity and Subjectivity, Memory and Trauma, Making and Materiality

Ainalaiyn Space’s ongoing lecture series explores some of the most experimental and radical artists of the twentieth century.

Preconscious Landscape

To accompany our group exhibition, Preconscious Landscape, we are delighted to announce a new lecture series which invites researchers to share their expertise on psychoanalysis, the mind, and creative practices.

Meteora Residency

We are excited to launch a series of research seminars that work in dialogue with our summer residency. As our artists explore the landscape, ecologies, mythologies and histories of Meteora, Greece, we have invited speakers that can offer fresh perspectives to their research.

To attend, please contact us through the button below. We look forward to welcoming you soon!