In Creation Myth, shown at Saatchi, Gali paints a story through the symbols of her ancestors, enlisting the petroglyphs of Kazakh caves and the cosmology of the Tengri, an ancient form of spirituality found in the Steppe. The paintings in this series are all made with the artist’s fingertips. Using her own body as a tool, she begins each work in a state of meditative stillness which gradually becomes more gestural and active. Like a dancer catching a song, she traces the story’s outline with her fingers, working pigments into the canvas. The resulting scenes capture the dreamlike logic of mythology, or ancient hunting scenes discovered on the walls of caves.

Selected Works

  • Creation Myth

    oil on canvas

  • Creation Myth

    oil on canvas

  • Creation Myth

    oil on canvas

  • Creation Myth

    oil on canvas

  • Creation Myth

    oil on canvas

  • Creation Myth

    oil on canvas